Do you have burning questions you're seeking insight on? 👀 Do you want to know how he truly feels about you or perhaps what next step is in store for your career? In this general reading I will explore the possibilities with you. I allow the cards to be an outline and guide posts to where my intuition leads me in helping you with your question. This reading is ideal for the person who may not have just one area of focus for a particular topic during their reading and may have several topics of interest. This reading may also be helpful for the person who may need a shorter video reading as the readings I offer in specific topics are a minimum of 30 minutes. Finally, if you are seeking general guidance and may not even have a particular question, but are simply open to receive the messages that come through, this would be the option for you. This reading comes in several optoins based on length and number of questions allowed for each time frame as follows:
10 Minutes - 1️⃣ question.
20 Minutes - 3️⃣ questions or less.
30 Minutes - 5️⃣ questions or less.
45 Minutes - 7️⃣ questions or less.
60 Minutes - 🔟 questions or less.
Please submit your questions in the personalization box. If you have no questions and are simply open to recieve or time is left over after the questions you do submit I will pull cards with the intent of whatever it is you need to know the most at this time. Again, topics that could be touched upon could be love, career, family, life purpose, etc as this is a general reading. Your reading will be returned to you within one week after your payment has been submitted. I will send you an unlisted YouTube link exclusively for you with your reading that you can watch as many times as you wish.
If you are interested in specific topic readings, please refer to the current offerings available for those in my shop:
❤️🔥 Twin Flame Love Reading
👶 Spirit Baby Reading
📅 Year Ahead Reading
💵 Career Solutions Reading
💫 Past Lives Reading
Q&A Psychic Forecasting General Video Reading
No refunds or exchanges.
To prevent chargebacks on any purchase made on please note that your purchases will appear as the following on your credit card or bank statement: ShadowNShineblog.wixsi San Francisco CA
By making a purchase on this website you agree and approve 100% to your transaction.
Reminder: Any major life decisions (legal, medical, etc) should be consulted by a professional. Please use your intuition and judgment concerning all readings.